North Shore Challenge 2025

The North Shore Photographic Challenge is the premier photographic competition in Western Canada, welcoming non-AI generative entries from both individual photographers and camera clubs, throughout British Columbia and Yukon Territory. The competition theme is open, with a wide range of subject matter, including stunning landscapes, altered reality, abstracts, portraits, architecture, wildlife, nature, architecture and more.

North Shore Challenge News

May 15, 2024: NSPS Announces North Shore Challenge 2025!
The North Shore Photographic Society will host the 40th North Shore Photographic Challenge on Zoom, on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Save the date!

Key Dates

Nov 1: Opening date for competition submissions (Individual and Club)
Dec 1: Deadline for clubs to commit to participate
Jan 12: Closing date for competition submissions (Individual and Club)
Mar 1: North Shore Challenge 2025 on Zoom

Information for Competing Photography Clubs

Coming September, 2024

Information for Competing Individual Photographers

Coming September, 2024

Information for Event Attendees

Coming September, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Images created or modified using specific AI generative techniques such as in-painting (where AI fills in generated elements not captured by the photographer or where AI removes elements from a photograph), or out-painting (where the AI extends beyond the original boundaries of the image captured by the photographer using generated elements), will be disqualified. Whether with or without text prompts, these are not permitted for submission.

The inclusion of Photoshop application features, such as Firefly’s AI Generative Fill and AI Expand cannot be contained in any competition images.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to FAQ's on the North Shore Challenge Frequently Asked Questions page.

Images from Challenges Past

To view winning images from North Shore Challenge competitions held in past years, please visit the North Shore Challenge Galleries page.

Information about our Presenting Sponsor

Coming September, 2024

To contact Challenge 2025 organizers, email: