BC/Yukon Inter-Club Speaker Series: Dave Hutchison
April 4 @ 6:30 pm
Tonight's presenter is: Dave Hutchison
Topic: Top 10 Tips for Wildlife Photography
Description: Dave Hutchison is an award-winning photographer celebrated for his stunning wildlife and nature photography. Based in British Columbia, his work showcases the beauty and diversity of the region’s flora and fauna.
In this session, Dave will share his Top 10 Tips for Wildlife Photography, offering practical advice and techniques to help you capture breathtaking shots of animals in their natural habitats. From composition to timing and ethical considerations, Dave’s expertise will provide valuable insights for photographers of all levels.
The BC/Yukon Inter-Club Speaker Series is available only to members of participating photography clubs in British Columbia and the Yukon. Admission is free to members of the North Shore Photographic Society. Pre-registration required. NSPS members, please see the NSPS Weekly email for details.
The BC/Yukon Inter-Club Speaker Series is made possible in part, by contributions from the Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA), Pacific Zone. The series organizers gratefully acknowledge the support of CAPA, Pacific Zone!