David Laronde "Blue Netting" - Individual Gold 2020
37th Annual North Shore Photographic Challenge
Hosted by the North Shore Photographic Society
On March 6, 2021, the North Shore Photographic Society will host the 37th Annual Photographic Challenge, an exciting evening designed to showcase the highest levels of all genres of the photographic arts. Everyone is welcome to this spectacular evening which will be hosted this year by way of a live webcast. The Keynote Presentation starts at 4:30 pm and the Show starts at 7:00 pm.
As the premier photographic competition in Western Canada, the Challenge welcomes entries from individual photographers and clubs from BC and the Yukon. The Challenge is open theme: Subjects can include rare wildlife action, breathtaking landscapes, street, architecture, the human form, altered reality and abstracts. This is an outstanding opportunity for photographers to showcase their work, meet other photographers (virtually), learn from vendors about the latest tools and techniques, and compete with the best on Challenge night – March 6, 2021. Winners will be recognized with CAPA medals.
And new this year, attendees of Challenge 2021 will be thoroughly entertained by a keynote presentation and Q&A with renowned photographer and adventurer Chris Harris from the Cariboo Region of BC. He will present "Artistic Expression: Your Photography as Art". Chris has a richly deserved reputation not only for his wilderness photography, but for his more recent explorations of in-camera expressionist and abstract work.
To watch a brief pre-Challenge video of Chris, click here.
Because of the pandemic, the North Shore Photographic Society is hosting the Challenge virtually in 2021 using the Zoom platform. While nothing replaces face-to-face experiences, NSPS is confident it will deliver a unique virtual experience that will engage competitors and audience alike. Going virtual removes physical barriers and creates a tremendous opportunity for photographers from across the Province and Territory to submit their best work and fully participate in the evening’s show. We look forward to welcoming back all those who have taken part in prior years’ Challenges either as competitors or audience members and extending a special welcome to those for whom this will be a first time experience. Everyone who enjoys creative photography, visual ideas and cutting-edge techniques will take away something including, if you’re lucky, the raffle prize, 50/50 draw and/or one of many great door prizes from our generous sponsors.
SOLD OUT! The 2021 North Shore Challenge event is sold out. Admission tickets are no longer available. Thanks for your tremendous support!
To purchase 50/50 tickets, or Raffle tickets, or both
please click here
Deadline to purchase: 7:00 PM PST, Saturday March 6th.
** Entries are now closed **
For Competition Details please click here
Competition winners will be recognized with two sets of prestigious CAPA medals.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize for highest scoring images submitted by clubs; and
1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize for highest scoring images submitted by individuals.
The top scoring image of all entries will receive the NSPS Best In Show medal. If there is a point-tie between the top individual and club images, the judges will rule which one is Best in Show. The coveted North Shore Photographic Challenge trophy will be awarded to the photo club that achieves the highest aggregate score for its six images entered.
New for this year, attendees of Challenge 2021 will be entertained by a keynote presentation and Q&A with renowned photographer and adventurer Chris Harris from the Cariboo Region of BC. Chris is a professional photo-journalist and narrative photographer who, since leaving a career spanning wilderness guiding, pioneering outdoor adventure tourism, teaching, and educating youth in the outdoors both in the school system and working with youth at risk, has become known as one of the country’s foremost and most respected photographers.
Chris dedicates his photography to bringing awareness and reverence to the value of nature, biodiversity, and the beauty of his home region of British Columbia, the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast. He has a richly deserved reputation as an expert photographer and storyteller, and attendees should expect to be thoroughly delighted with this special addition to the Challenge 2021 program.
To watch a brief pre-Challenge video of Chris, click here.
For more information on Chris Harris please visit Chris Harris Photography.
The North Shore Photographic Challenge
Competition and Show Host
The North Shore Photographic Society has been a fixture on the North Shore of Vancouver since 1983. Having members at all levels whose interests span all genres of photography, the club met a minimum of three times a month to enjoy a full roster of programming which included opportunities for digital and print judging, educational programs, field trips, social events and special access to highly sought-after photographic presenters and workshops.
In response to the global pandemic, NSPS pivoted to a completely virtual operation. As of mid-March 2020, we started to provide almost all programming virtually and in fact, significantly enhanced the traditional offerings with much success. As the variety of meetings has increased, so has attendance. We use Zoom’s quick poll feature to garner and respond to membership feedback, and its breakout rooms for social interaction. Membership engagement is higher than ever.
While we all very much look forward to the day when we can safely resume our in person club activities, we are confident our experiences during 2020 have positioned us well to deliver a unique, virtual Challenge experience that will engage competitors and audience goers alike on March 6, 2021. For more information about the North Shore Photographic Society or to become a member, please visit the NSPS Membership page.
Need inspiration to attend the event? Please visit our online galleries of winning images from past Challenges as well as our newly created Genre Inspiration Galleries. [click here]
For the latest news about the 2021 North Shore Challenge
please click here.
Email: challenge@nsps.ca
Website: https://nsps.ca/