Best of Show
Antarctica by Mona D'Amours
Gold, Silver, and Bronze CAPA Medal Images from Clubs
Antarctica by Mona D'Amours
Gold MedalSurviving in Art by Don Li
Silver MedalSibling Rivalry by Evan Guengerich
Bronze Medal
Gold, Silver, and Bronze CAPA Medal Images from Individuals
Walk to Infinity by Hamid Ebrahimi
Gold MedalHooded Merganser by Robert Demeter
Silver MedalIce Cave Air Time by Jason Duncan
Bronze Medal
Winning Images from Top 3 Clubs
First Place and North Shore Photographic Challenge Trophy winner - Chung Ai Photographic Society
Water World by Albert Tsai Gatekeeper by Conan Chee Evening Song by Wayne Leung Barn Owl Hunting at Dusk by Philip Tam Surviving in Art by Don Li Milky Way by Yen Hu
Second Place - Tri-City Photography Club
Eagles in the Mist by Mik Strazhnik Antarctica by Mona D'Amours The Boat House by Elizabeth Gray The Wave by Anita Niven Consoling by Steve Kazemir JD in The Carving Shed by Cory Blyth
Third Place - Victoria Camera Club
Garter Snake Friend and Meal by Daniel Rondeau Sibling Rivalry by Evan Guengerich The Flute Player by Kim Smith Wild Dance by Leah Gray Down and Out by Peter Reid Framed by Stephen Ban
Honourable Mention
Siblings by Murray O'Neill Friend by Mary Anne Morgan False Creek Traffic by Andrew Pugh Spider Dance by Garry Cotter Grizzly At Sunset by Viktor Davare Dessert Time by Sandi Banni On The Couch by Yunjian Yang Northern Gannet Courtship by Mike Wooding Fierce Competition by David Friederich Silver Diamond Fire Tail by Gail Stephen Lost In Translation by Hamid Ebrahimi Red Tailed Hawk by David Guscott Another Smokey Sunrise by Llaesa North Intimacy by Phil Dyer Short Eared Owl Conflict by David Friederich Northern Nights Northern Lights by Ingrid Wilcox Levitation by Lois Wittenberg Cloudy Peak by Huabing Ye Catching the rays and the waves by Julia Malkin Looking Around by Zhou Chen Whytecliff Calm by Bob Friesen Catch me if you can by Keith Purchase On the Salish Sea by Bob Ell Current Flow by Dennis Ducklow Surf Stride by Leah Gray Bring Home the Bacon by Chungcheng Wei Atlantic Puffin by Terry Webb Pretty in Pink by Michele Broadfoot